Install A Reading Progress Bar In WordPress Step-By Step

Add a Reading Progress Bar in WordPress reading progress bar Wordpress plugin, dynamic progress bar Wordpress, Wordpress scroll progress bar, reading time bar Wordpress,
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Learn To Add A Reading Progress Bar In WordPress: Hello, friends welcome back to this blog where I will tell you about how you can add a reading progress bar in your blog post

you will have seen many times those are Pro bloggers they add a progress bar in their blog post

which helps them to a large extent whenever you read the article and scroll down

then progress bar runs at the top of the post which creates a good user base user becomes friendly reading that article

because through that he can confirm how much time he will spend their to read the quality article according to read the meter for the progress bar(add a reading progress bar in WordPress), therefore,

I have chosen this topic which should be compulsory for all bloggers who don’t have a good user base

I will tell you all settings and that plugin through that you can add a reading progress bar in wordPress in your blog post easily so let’s begin. best wordpress plugins.

Read Meter: Install & Active The Plugin

Add a Reading Progress Bar in WordPress reading progress bar WordPress plugin, dynamic progress bar WordPress, WordPress scroll progress bar, reading time bar WordPress,

Read Meter Plugin (Add a Reading Progress Bar in WordPress): Now Add A Reading Progress Bar In WordPress Guys this is that plugin that will help you to add reading meter for reading progress bar to your WordPress post reading progress bar WordPress plugin, and

that will be a hundred percent user-friendly and through that, your user will stay on your post for a long time and you can create a good income through this so let’s begin.

Friends first go to to your WordPress dashboard and log in thereafter that click on the add new plugin where

you will see a search bar in that we have to type read meter then you will see a plugin same showing in the image upside don’t install another plugin except for that plugin

because this is the most popular and famous plugin among the bloggers so

you have to click on install and then active after that you have to do some settings in the setting of that plugin which so simple let’s see below. Add dynamic progress bar WordPress Blog,

Add a Reading Progress Bar in WordPress reading progress bar WordPress plugin, dynamic progress bar WordPress, WordPress scroll progress bar, reading time bar WordPress,

Do Some Basic Settings.

Friends after installing and activating the plugin you have to do some simple settings in that plugin which will help you to make a good progress bar so for this

you have to click on setting then you will see and option read meter click over there after that It will open that plugin setting WordPress scroll progress bar,

General settings

Add a Reading Progress Bar in WordPress reading progress bar WordPress plugin, dynamic progress bar WordPress, WordPress scroll progress bar, reading time bar WordPress,

you will see the same surface showing in the image where you can do the general settings.

you have two options here that where do you want to show read meter on the post or on the page otherwise

you can select both and second how many words should be per minute after that

you want to include comments in the progress bar or not that is up to you which setting you want to use after that next step. reading time bar WordPress, 


Add a Reading Progress Bar in WordPress reading progress bar WordPress plugin, dynamic progress bar WordPress, WordPress scroll progress bar, reading time bar WordPress,

Next step is to change a setting in the real-time option where you have a lot of oceans that should be changed

you can set the progress in the war on a single post otherwise home page or blog page it’s up to you

which is suitable for you what should be the margin and what should be the padding means menu options are given here related to a background color, text color after that click on save now next step.

Progress bar

Add a Reading Progress Bar in WordPress reading progress bar WordPress plugin, dynamic progress bar WordPress, WordPress scroll progress bar, reading time bar WordPress,

add a reading progress bar in wordPress through plugin, The third step is a progress bar that where do you want to show your progress bar top of the page bottom of the page or

you don’t want to show next style the type of style you want to keep in the progress meter that

should be normal or gradient in the gradient you get two color combination after that at last

you have to set the thickness of the progress bar then click on save after that you will see in your blog post progress bar is running when you scroll down the post.

You can add dynamic progress bar WordPress,

Why is this important?

friends, now it’s time to know that why the progress meter is compulsory or important for the blogger’s friends as you know

when any reader or visitor comes to any post then he starts reading the post but if a post is too long so

he gets bore that time if progress meter is there then he can assume how much time it will take to read the whole post then

he can read that post with enjoyment so this is is important to make user-friendly blog posts this is the biggest. I hope you will use this. WordPress scroll progress bar, and reading time bar WordPress, 

Guide To Add A Reading Progress Bar In WordPress

Conclusion: we learned here reading progress bar WordPress plugin, dynamic progress bar, WordPress
Wordpress scroll progress bar, reading time bar WordPress, scroll indicator WordPress, how to add a progress bar to WordPress, add a reading progress bar in wordPress I hope you understand.

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